Contact Us

Data Science Institute


Physical Address
1230 N Cherry Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85721

United States

BSRL campus map

Mailing Address
Data Science Institute, BSRL 2nd Fl
1657 E. Helen Street
Tucson, AZ, 85721
United States
We welcome your visit!

BSRL is a secured building.  We recommend that all visitors make arrangements prior to visiting Data Science Institute staff who will escort visitors from the BSRL lobby to offices in the building. 

The first floor of BSRL is an open common lobby area with seating. Also on the first floor is the Catalyst Cafe that offers a variety of breakfast and lunch items.

Visitor Parking and Garages near BSRL

Review the campus parking map to find parking options. Learn about the hourly pay parking provider: Passport Parking App which is required to pay, extend, and manage parking at many of the parking garages and spaces on campus including the Highland Avenue Garage. Campus Garage rates and hours of operations vary. For more information read the UA Parking & Transportation Frequently Asked Questions.

  • Need a data science team for your upcoming proposals, please contact us to include resources, expertise, and institutional infrastructure. We work closely with UA Research Development Service (RDS) for projects that span multiple departments, institutes, and colleges and can coordinate with the RDS team.
  • Looking for just-in-time training or special topics workshops, check our workshops and events or suggest training topics. The Data Science Institute routinely hosts workshops with invited internal and external speakers on topics of interest to the University of Arizona community.
  • Data Science Institute Research Data Scientists (along with shared post docs and technical staff) are liaisons to specific research areas and can consult with you on those topics along with Data Science Institute faculty who lead these initiatives.

Students who want to learn more about opportunities with the Data Science Institute can complete an interest form.  They can get involved or learn about data science through our events and workshops

Need an interdisciplinary team to meet a specific challenge, email the Data Science Institute for more information.

To learn about the local data science community, participate in the various activities.

Contact us to find out how to put the power of the Data Science Institute to work for you.

Primary funding for the University of Arizona Data Science Institute (Data7) is made available from the Technology and Research Initiative Fund (TRIF) provided by the taxpayers of the State of Arizona.