Computational Resources You Need to Get Started!
Got your hypothesis? Check. Collected data? Check. Got research cyberinfrastructure to store and analyze your data and share it with your collaborators? With CyVerse--absolutely!
So now what? In our Get Started series, Research Data Scientists Michele Cosi and Jeff Gillan help you get started on your open science journey using your CyVerse account and the plentiful computational resources that come with it, covering key tasks like data transfers, finding apps, and launching and running apps. In this webinar, they cover the basics with a short focus on how to effectively manage your storage and compute resources and where to find information when you need help.
This "Get Started" webinar will be repeated in part during the semester, but subsequent webinars will emphasize different features, as listed below:
- September 20: Get Started + Finding and Using VICE apps and CloudShell
- October 11: Get Started + Using GoCommands to move data
- November 1: Get Started + Sharing Data, Permissions, & Teams
November 15: Get Started + Basic Troubleshooting for Analysis Errors